Adblocker User Deep Dive – High Value Users That Cannot Be Ignored

MIDiA Research has published our latest adblocking report: ‘Adblocker User Deep Dive – High Value Users That Cannot Be Ignored. In it we combine data on adblocker user demographics, their media behaviour as well as their digital media spending habits to create the definitive assessment of the adblocking user segment. The report and accompanying dataset is available to MIDiA Research clients here and available for individual purchase in our report store here. For more on how to become a MIDiA client to get access to this report email us at info AT midiaresearch DOT COM
The full details of the report and key findings are listed below, but here is a small excerpt from the report exploring the importance of perceiving and treating adblocker users as content aficionados rather than unwanted freeloaders:
Adblocking is arguably the single biggest disruptive threat digital media businesses have faced. But it is the users of adblockers and their motivations rather than the technology itself that matter most. Adblocker users comprise a segment that advertisers are no longer reaching online and on mobile. While publishers have to figure out how to salvage the revenue loss, advertisers, brands and agencies have to find an alternative way of reaching ad-resistant users. Not least because many are actually highly valuable tech sophisticates.
Adblocking Users Are Not Worthless In The Digital World
Key Attributes Of Adblocker Users, Mobile And Desktop Average
Adblocking users match or surpass the spending and engagement metrics of average consumers in most digital activities. They are willing to pay for quality content experiences, but on their terms. As bitter a pill as it may be to swallow, publishers need to understand that adblocking users are more likely to be content aficionados than freeloaders. These are customers that cannot afford to be lost. They will do what they can to improve their content consumption experience. If that means removing adverts, they will do it. Thus, in reinventing their business models, publishers must seek to provide and monetize superior consumption experiences, rather than trying to improve formats that inherently compromise them.
Findings include (data points have been removed from this preview but are included in the full report):
- X% of desktop adblocking users are male, while X% of mobile adblocking users are male
- X% of desktop adblocking users are 35 years old or more, while X% of mobile adblocking users are 35 years old or more
- X% of mobile adblocking users watch videos on Youtube compared to X% of desktop adblocking users and X% of total consumer average
- X% of mobile adblocking users watch videos on Facebook compared to X% of desktop adblocking users and X% of total consumer average
- X% of mobile adblocking users frequently unmute Facebook videos compared to X% of desktop adblocking users and X% of total consumer average
- X% of adblocking users pay for a video subscription
- X% of mobile adblocking users use Snapchat weekly, compared to X% of desktop adblocking users and X% of total consumer average
- X% of adblocking users create playlists, compared to the consumer average of 14%
- X% of desktop and X% of mobile adblocking users download singles or albums, compared to the consumer average of X%
- X% of mobile adblocking users use Netflix weekly, compared to X% of desktop adblocker users and X% of total consumer average.
Companies Mentioned: Facebook, Netflix, Shazam, Snapchat, YouTube
Report Details
Pages: 7
Words: 1,775
Figures: 3
For more on how to become a MIDiA client to get access to this report email us at info AT midiaresearch DOT COM
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