Reports Music

Streaming Peaks What Playlist And Binge-Watching Trends Signify For Streaming

Mark Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View: Streaming is transforming music and video consumption, creating new business models and behaviours. 2017 was a strong year for both sectors but growth is not uniformly distributed. Video subscriptions are set to see much wider adoption than music subscriptions and across both sectors, leading behaviours are slowing. Growth is rarely linear and these growth speed bumps give us a view of where each respective streaming market is heading.

Key Findings

  • Free streaming            reached a plateau across the            UK, Australia, and Canada, with            penetration in            2017
  • Curated playlists            was            down slightly from            2017
  • ‘Creating own            in            was just one percentage            up on            2017 at           
  • Video subscriber            continues at a solid pace,            three points from            2017 to                       in           
  • Binge watching            out at            in            2017, following            three-point rise in           
  •            of video subscribers are binge watchers, one and half times higher than overall consumers            of music subscribers are curated playlist users – three times the all-consumer average
  • Almost exactly            same share of Netflix and            users binge watch, and the            is true of user generated            usage across Spotify and Apple           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon Prime Music, Amazon Prime Video, Apple Music, Deezer, Netflix, Soundcloud, YouTube