Reports Games

State Of Freemium Games Q1 2017 A Comprehensive Assessment Of Freemium Game Dynamics In The Top 100 Grossing Charts

Report by Karol Severin
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20,000 Foot View:  The sheer importance and popularity of freemium games in the app economy is evident across the globe as they capture the lion’s share of both the top            grossing overall charts, as well as gaming charts globally. But behind the global popularity of freemium games are individual regions at various levels of market maturity, platform penetrations, publisher competitiveness and consumer preferences, which together drive regional nuances for freemium game economy dynamics. Considering this is crucial for the accurate benchmarking of a game’s global performance and expansion planning, as well as go-to-market strategies. 

Key Findings:

  • The gap            Freemium Games’ share of the                       grossing App Store and Google            charts is considerably wider in            emerging markets
  • Except for            on the App Store, freemium            capture more than half of            top            grossing charts in every           
  • The top            game charts are almost entirely            game based with            share on            Play Store, and            on the            App Store 
  • The average            of an app in top            games is            days on the            Play Store, compared to            days            the App Store
  • Asia recycles            top game charts fastest, while            America and Europe are the           
  • In terms            freemium game publishers of the                       game charts, most mature markets            a smaller degree of diversity            emerging markets
  • An average                       publishers account for all freemium            in the top            grossing            grossing            charts
  • The top            game categories in the Asian                       grossing game charts are hardcore            categories, while In North America            largest chart share belongs to            casual categories

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Apple, App Store, Candy Crush SagaGoogle, Play Store, Priori Data, Super Mario Run

*The datasets behind this report have been exclusively provided to MIDiA Research by Priori Data