Reports Games

Over 50 And Mobile Profiling The Underserved Older Mobile Consumer

Report by Karol Severin
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20,000 Foot View: The over            segment has been one of the most neglected during the rise of mobile platforms, social media and digital entertainment. The neglect is understandable considering their well-earned reputation for being more tech cautious. This will all change, though not overnight, as younger digitally savvy consumers age. Now is the time to start giving the over            more attention. In doing so, companies can benefit from opportunities that extend from the undersupply of mobile experiences tailored for the over            A catalyst will be the steady improvement and simplification of mobile experiences, particularly as Mobile Life Ecosystems emerge. The over            mobile consumer will become one of the key addressable mobile audiences over the coming years.

Key Findings:

               of over            consumers own a smartphone compared to            of consumer average            of over            consumers are Android users,            are iOS users
  • Android has            largest user base lead in            over            segment
  • Only            of                       consumers spend            or more per            on apps, compared to            of            consumers
  •            of over            consumers do not spend anything on mobile apps monthly, compared to            of overall consumers            of over            smartphone owners don’t spend any weekly time on apps            of over            consumers are weekly Facebook users compared to the all consumer average of           
  • Over            are            likely to watch video ads            skip ads on YouTube compared                       of overall consumers)
  • Mobile engagement            spend of the over            consumers            increase, with the rise of            generation Mobile Life Ecosystems commanded            voice and text

Companies Mentioned: Alphabet, Apple, Android, Facebook, Google, iOS, YouTube