Reports Video

Video discovery The new streaming battleground

Report by Tim Mulligan
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The 20,000 foot view: Now that video streaming consumer activity is mainstream (Netflix WAU is currently at            the challenge is for video to maintain its dominance over competing media formats. At the heart of all this is surfacing relevant content – an area where TV has traditionally dominated. TV search needs to be rebooted for the on-demand era. This means taking best practice from digitally native propositions, such as games and social media, to make sure relevant content cut through to paying subscribers.

Key Insights

  • Personal recommendations            key to content discovery at           
  • Peak attention            the consumer preference for personal           
  • This has            de-facto transformed a peak attention            mechanism into a recommendation mechanism
  • New TV            is thus still a peer-led            process
  • In contrast,            digital discovery is clearly failing            streaming audiences
  • However, PVOD            are significantly more lean-in with            show research requirements, with            using            social media accounts for additional            info (compared to the consumer            of           
  •            of consumers identify the ‘new release’ section as their main source of new content discovery, compared to            who rely on personalised recommendations from streaming services 
  • Only            of            rely upon TV ads to            new content 
  • ROI metrics            commissioning will increasingly require showrunners            be empowered to create compelling            differentiated content

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Comcast, Disney, Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix, Paramount+, Peacock, ViacomCBS, Warner Bros., Warner Media