Reports Video

Global Video Forecast 2015-2020 Subscriptions Come Of Age

Report by Tim Mulligan
Cover image for Global Video Forecast  2015-2020
PowerPoint Excel PDF

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The 20,000 Foot View

2015 to 2020 will be a transformational period for the video sector.  Accessing TV content online will become mainstream as video penetration reaches            by 2019. Despite solid adoption of subscription and video sharing services, it will be the migration of mass-market TV online that will drive the explosive growth. Growth will be fuelled primarily by emerging market consumers coming online and by-passing analogue era means of consumption.  Video is perfectly positioned to leverage the entertainment and transactional needs of the emerging market consumer, rendering the debate about cord–severing and cord-nevers irrelevant.  Key Findings

  • Global video            will go mainstream in 2019            it reaches           
  • Global video            are set to more than            by 2020 to reach            billion
  • North America’s            revenue market share in 2014            reduce to            in 2020
  • Video Revenues            North America and Europe are            to nearly double to            of            market by 2020
  • Subscription Video            Demand (SVOD) penetration will more            double but will remain niche                       globally by 2020
  • Global SVOD            will only experience a marginal            over the same period
  • Global Video            revenues will increase by            between            and 2020 driven by a            in video ad revenues