Spotify User Profile An Increasingly Mainstream Yet Digitally Sophisticated Audience

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The 20,000 Foot View: Spotify is the poster child of streaming music, having done more than any other company to grow the segment and to prove the freemium business model at scale. It has built an active user base that outshines any other freemium music service, and through tactics such as telco bundles and pricing discounts continues to squeeze every last drop of opportunity out of the subscription model. Spotify has successfully diversified its user base beyond its initial early adopter base and now has a broad mix of users in which females are as well represented as males – no small feat for the traditionally male dominated streaming music market.
Key Findings
of consumers use Spotify weekly, rising to in its homeland Sweden, and falling to in France, homeland of competitor Deezer
- Spotify users evenly distributed age-wise, with a bias towards under of Spotify users are under while are under
- Spotify’s core group is year olds of total)
- Spotify’s peak is among year old females
- Spotify users sophisticated digital consumers, markedly over-indexing most digital activities
- There are Spotify Monthly Active Users (MAUs)
- Spotify users much more likely than overall to watch YouTube (overall and music videos)
- They are more likely to have music video subscriptions and to pay apps
- Spotify users on average twice as likely be high spenders in music, video and mobile apps are messaging app users and are mobile ad blocking users
Companies mentioned in this report: Apple Music, Deezer, Napster, Netflix, SoundCloud, Spotify, Telia, Tidal, Vevo, YouTube