Sports Fans Consumer Trends 2019

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The 20,000 Foot View: Sports-centric subscription video on demand (SVOD) services have largely struggled to entice subscribers, based on their current value propositions which consist mainly of niche rights. Pay-TV has the lion’s share of premium domestic sports rights, providing it with an advantageous set of assets partially justifying premium-priced contracts for its subscriber base. The move by streaming insurgent DAZN to incorporate advertising behind its paywall illustrates a need for pure-play sport SVODs to diversify their revenue streams. The tolerance of sports fans towards advertising is now crucial in building robust and sustainable business models for sports broadcasting in the streaming ecosystem.
Key Findings
of sports SVOD weekly active users (WAUs) are years old
year olds only account for of all sports SVOD WAUs, compared to of consumers who watch live sports on TV
- While engagement sport-centric services is still niche, in terms of WAU has among year olds, rising from 2018 to in 2019
- Future sports year olds) significantly under index all sports video consumption, representing growing concern for sporting bodies year olds are twice as likely as the average consumer to play Fortnite weekly, while being half as likely as the average consumer to watch live sports on TV
- DAZN’s insufficient offering is highlighted by only US consumers subscribing in 2019, in Germany at only penetration
- Free streamers sports are more receptive to than viewers of sports on TV, with not skipping adverts relevant
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: DAZN, English Premier League, Fortnite, Liverpool FC, MLB, Netflix, NHL, UEFA Champions League