Sports and the Tech Majors A Competitive Partnership
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The 20,000 Foot View: The big gap in streaming video’s content mix has historically been sports. This is now changing through a combination of disruptive challenger sports subscription video on demand (SVOD) services such as DAZN accelerating its rights and territory offerings alongside the increased interest being shown by the tech majors – notably Amazon and Facebook – in streaming premium sports offerings. Accelerating this process has been the market testing of ESPN+, the first significant sports SVOD service to be launched by a heavily invested traditional pay-TV stalwart, Disney. With the future sports fans overwhelmingly digital in their consumption, and with traditional pay-TV being squeezed financially by subscriber decline, sports viewing is being rebooted for a post-pay-TV world where the tech majors are optimally placed to succeed.
Key Findings
- Between and the weighted weekly average usage of Facebook in core English-speaking declined by
- Although Asia-Pacific for of Facebook’s daily active (DAU), only of advertising revenue from the region
- Facebook’s video has failed to generate the necessary to take consumer attention from streaming heavyweights
- Amazon displays key three assets to meet needs of rightsholders: capital, tech reach
- Amazon subscribers index for sports consumption: like live sports on TV and watched shows or movies about in the last three months
- With Netflix against entering the live sports market, Amazon is well placed establish its video solution as go-to sports destination of 20–24 year olds watch games-related videos on a monthly basis
- Only of year olds watch traditional sports free on streaming services
- The more become ‘sports’, the more that tech companies can dilute the of the traditional TV sports
- Amazon as owner of Twitch is in enviable position of potentially becoming ESPN of next-generation sports coverage
- As the major with the biggest cash (currently at billion as of Apple could purchase DAZN and it to win big in rights frenzy of 2021
- The flatline Disney’s media networks revenue growth the secular decline of pay-TV across the English-speaking markets
- Serving more cases than the current global SVOD service will promote Disney+’s as a true substitutive service
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Apple, Apple TV+, BeIN Sports, DAZN, Disney, Disney+, English Premier League (EPL), ESPN, ESPN+, Facebook, Fox Sports Asia, Hulu, Major League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Association (NBA), NBA Netflix, National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL), Take Two Interactive, Twitch