Reports Music

Soundcloud User Profile Male Dominated Music Sophisticates

Report by Mark Mulligan
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20,000 Foot View SoundCloud is in many respects the odd one out in the audio streaming landscape. While the market is dominated by major label orientated subscription services like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Napster, SoundCloud has plotted a different path – one centred around independent content, creator uploads and free access. This approach has, however, left SoundCloud in a rights No Man’s Land, with rights owners pushing SoundCloud to more closely resemble the other players. Though the resulting major label deals struck in 2016 saw the launch of the subscription offering SoundCloud Go, SoundCloud’s user base is not simply a Spotify audience waiting for a subscription service to sign up to.

Key Findings

               of consumers use SoundCloud weekly, rising to            in France and falling to            in Sweden
  • SoundCloud users            reasonably young, predominately male, sophisticated            highly engaged music fans
  • In terms            overall digital activity though, SoundCloud            are decidedly average
  •            of SoundCloud users are under            while            are under           
  • SoundCloud’s core            group is            year olds            of            total)
  • SoundCloud’s peak            is among            year old males           
  •            of SoundCloud’s users are male, significantly above the average for other streaming services
  • There are            SoundCloud Monthly Active Users (MAUs)
  • SoundCloud users            less likely than overall consumers            watch YouTube, but are more            to have music and video           

Companies mentioned in this report: Apple Music, Deezer, Napster, Snapchat, Spotify, Vine, YouTube