Reports Games

Music in Virtual Reality An Opportunity To Fill The Content Void

Report by Zach Fuller
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20,000 foot view: A transformational technology in need of a meaningful content offering meets a wounded industry looking to new revenue streams. Despite their obvious differences, music (as one of the first and most vigorously disrupted mediums by the internet), and Virtual Reality (as a poster-child of technology’s brave new world), could yet prove natural allies. Early experiments by artists such as Björk, Paul McCartney and Run the Jewels have been well received. With music having already undergone an increasingly visual transition through the            Century, a considered approach to VR opens doors to defining the music industry’s relationship with this exciting and embryonic art form.

Key Findings:

  • Music as            art form has already been            visualised
  • Interactive and            entertainment forms are overriding purely            ones in time spend amongst            demographics
  • Visual Albums            Endless) have already shown a            proof-of-concept for visual music experiences
  • Consumer spending            music experiences (Live, VIP) has            in accordance with the decline            products (downloads, CDs). VR brings            ‘experience’ element to home entertainment
  • Millennials are            adopting VR hardware            of            year            in the UK claim to            a VR headset) though overall            is still just           
  • The            billion            content funding gap presents an            for music
  • Adventurous artists,            and managers have an opportunity            fill the VR content void            to put music centre stage            the nascent VR marketplace

Companies Mentioned: Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, HTC, MTV, Samsung, Snapchat, Universal, YouTube