Reports Music

Most Streamed Versus All Time Sellers The Internationalisation Myth

Report by Zach Fuller
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The 20,000 Foot View:  As the music industry becomes a streaming industry in all but name, Spotify’s            most streamed tracks provide a window into how the overall industry has changed since the advent of access over ownership. Although arguably just a snapshot of an era, a comparison between the two reveals recent trends within music pertaining to genre popularity and collaborative efforts versus solo releases. It also serves as a reflection of how far the internationalisation effect of streaming is influencing the superstar effect — those outlier songs that take over the entire platform.

Key Findings

  • There is            difference between the pre-streaming and            era distribution of the best            tracks by artist nationality 
  • Playlist growth            consumption means new releases are            emphasised on Spotify’s platform
  • Free streaming            penetration averaged            across some of            world’s most developed recorded markets            UK, Canada, Australia) in            2017
  • Paid streaming            was           
  •            of the top            most streamed Spotify tracks were by, or featured, an artist from the US, Canada or the UK
  • Playlist growth            in major music markets in           
  •            of Spotify’s most streamed tracks featured more than one artist, with            being from solo acts or groups
  • Pop has            largest share of the most            tracks, with            of the total,            dance genres collectively account for           
  • Hip-hop is            well represented, with            of the            streamed, while rock now accounts            just           
  • Streaming skews            the new as            of the            streamed tracks were released in            prior three years
  • Streaming has            the music business model from            of reach to engagement
  • Playlists are            a hits dichotomy: superstar hits            bigger than ever and other            are over-boosted in the short            before quickly disappearing

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Ableton Live, Apple, Apple Music, DatPiff, Deezer, Logic Studio, Soundcloud, Spotify, Universal Music