Reports Social

Instagram User Profile Edging Towards Mainstream

Report by Zach Fuller
Cover image for Instagram User Profile
Synopsis PowerPoint Excel PDF

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20,000 Foot View: Instagram was far from the first image-centric service to gain prominence, but something about its simple interface, filtering capabilities and ease of sharing saw the platform become something of a visual lingua franca for the selfie-generation. Now part of Facebook and boasting impressive growth figures, it surprised many with its longevity and continues to embellish its established position as the premier destination for photographic content in the digital era.

Key Findings

  • Instagram’s audience            young, with            of users aged                      
  • The app            evolved from a predominantly young            audience into a largely gender            platform
  • Instagram has            adoption among younger consumers, with            among            year olds
  • Instagram users            strong digital native attributes, such            free streaming            watch YouTube and            music for free)
  • The platform            geographically diverse with more than            in Sweden, France and the           
  • Even in            penetrated markets Instagram has high            rates for under           
  • High user            -            million Monthly Active Users            and            million Daily Active Users            - attest to its deeply            audience

Companies mentioned in this report:  Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp