Reports Games

Going Beyond Sync Mutually Beneficial Opportunities in Music And Games

Report by Karol Severin
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The 20,000 Foot View:  There is a significant behavioural and demographic overlap between gamers and music consumers. An affinity for music, adoption of subscription services, attendance of live music events, merchandise sales and following celebrities on social media, are just a few of the many indicators in which gamers over-index, compared to average consumers. Furthermore, they often rank comparably to, and sometimes surpass, the rates of their music consumer counterparts. Coupled with the fact that music can be enjoyed while gaming, bridging the two worlds gives brands more latitude to develop symbiotic relationships. For now, many of those are largely untapped, or brands are just beginning to scratch the surface of what is possible. The time to dive deeper into strategic partnerships between music and games is now, while they are still seen as innovative and before they become a common standard and the landscape becomes saturated, with less choice for commercial partnerships.

Key Findings

  • In the                       of PC gamers,            of mobile            and            of console gamers say            music is an important part            life 
  •            of console gamers,            of PC and            of mobile gamers watch music videos, compared to            of weighted consumer average 
  • Between            and            gamers run or work out            music, compared to a            weighted            average
  •            of console gamers pay a monthly music subscription, compared to a            weighted consumer average
  • Apple Music            the largest share of gamers            its user base, with            of            users being mobile gamers
  • Despite Apple’s            lead in gamer share, Spotify            the larger absolute number of            among its user base
  • At            games            buy more artist merchandise than            aficionados           
  • High-spending gamers            more likely to attend live            than low-spending gamers

Companies mentioned:  Activision, Apple Music, EA, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), Pandora, PlayStation, Spotify, Xbox