Reports Video

Generative AI The double-edged sword for social video platforms and content creators

Report by Ben Woods
Cover image for Generative AI
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20,000 foot view: A significant audience now exists on social video platforms for generative-AI content. However, the speed and scale at which generative AI could produce creator content could destabilise the creator economy. If left unchecked, generative AI could tip the balance towards more inauthentic than authentic human content on social video platforms: a big risk considering authenticity is what gave social video platforms their initial rise in the first place. In this business strategy-focused report, we will review the ramifications of generative AI for social video platforms and the creator ecosystem to recommend how best to protect and unlock value. This report includes an accompanying case study, Kwebbelkop and WatchMeForever: Novelty appeal or AI revolutionaries?, which helps to demystify the threats and opportunities that lie ahead as this new phenomenon unfolds.

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Clubhouse Kick, Kwebbelkop, Mastadon, Meerkat, TikTok, Twitch, Vessel, YouTube, WatchMeForever