Reports Critical Developments

Fandom and lean-in culture are reshaping video

Report by Hanna Kahlert
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The 20,000 foot view:  To compete in the new hyper-saturated attention economy, entertainment propositions must tap into audience sentiment to generate fandom and understand where they fit in the lives and habits of audiences.

Key Insights
  • As linear            declines, outpaced by on-demand, cultural            are being replaced by cultural           
  • Fandom for            TV show is more important            ever. Fandom is underpinned by            key aspects: identity, attention, scarcity,            wallet share
  • Finding fandom            is important to serve audiences            a way that tempts them            return to a service, by            them in multiple avenues across            varied entertainment habits. For example,            video subscribers are also fans            American football;            are fans of            music, and            are fans of           
  • Consumers are            for originality and are seeking            ways to actively engage with            experiences that interest them –            beyond the point of consumption           
  • Entertainment providers            either incorporate and facilitate this            which many new insurgents are            – or they can ignore            in the same way broadcast            has largely continued to do,            the detriment of consumer attention,            and cultural relevance
  • While some            will super-serve a consumer need            order to drive sustainable usage,            may want to broaden their            to incorporate the different contexts            usage
  • Strategic value            be increasingly derived from crafting            content partnerships, and / or            lean-in features onto platforms and           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Apple, Google, Netflix, Spotify, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube