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Facebook Messenger User Profile Streaming Savvy Mainstream Messaging App Users

Report by Karol Severin
Cover image for Facebook Messenger User Profile
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20,000 Foot View:  Facebook Messenger has caught up with WhatsApp, boasting more than            billion Monthly Active Users (MAUs). Along with WhatsApp and Instagram, Messenger is part of Facebook’s bet on the future of audiences as they migrate away from social networks. Facebook’s messaging apps are the company’s gateway to owning as much as possible of consumers’ mobile life. But Facebook wants Messenger to be so much more than a messaging app. As messaging bots get better and more widespread, Facebook wants Messenger to become the command centre of consumers’ mobile lives with added functionalities like shopping, food delivery, taxi services and eventually gaming. 

Key Findings

               of consumers use Facebook Messenger weekly
  • Penetration of            Messenger varies significantly between countries,            from            in Brazil to            in           
  •            of Messenger’s weekly users are female
  • Messenger users            relatively evenly distributed by age                       younger than           
  •            of Messenger users are streaming video subscribers compared to            of overall messaging app users and            of all consumers            of Messenger users watch YouTube compared to            of overall messaging app users and            of all consumers            of Messenger users are Free Music Streamers compared to            of all consumers 

Companies mentioned in this report: Candy Crush Saga, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube