Reports Video

Canada Video Market Strong Pay-TV Market Creates A Big Appetite For Video

Report by Tim Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View: With a third of Canadians subscribing to traditional pay-TV, the country has a strong appetite for online video. This is demonstrated by the            of the population who are now Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) subscribers. With the SVOD market already more than two thirds the size of the traditional pay-TV market, Canada is a litmus test for whether traditional pay-TV is able to co-exist with SVOD.  So far there the evidence indicates that the historically strong cable and satellite sector is slowly losing market share to the SVOD disruptors.

Key Findings:

  • Canada has            traditional pay-TV subscription for every           
  • Traditional Canadian            lost            of its subscriber base                       2015 and            2016
  • Canadian SVOD            increased their subscribers by            in            to reach            million, up from            at the end of 2015
  • Netflix accounts                       of all SVOD subscribers in           
  • Combined pay-TV            (traditional and SVOD) grew            from            in            2015 to            million in           
  •            of Canadian            year olds watch YouTube at least monthly
  • SVOD consumption            now mainstream for            year olds                       penetration
  •            of Canada’s available SVOD services collectively only account for            of all subscribers

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon Prime, Bell Canada, CraveTV, Netflix, Rogers, Shaw, Videotron, WWE Network, Shaw, Telus, Cogeco Connexion, Facebook