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Apple Q4 (Calendar Q3) 2017 Quarterly Revenue Growth Underpins 2017 Revenue Revival

Report by Tunde Sowande
Cover image for Apple Q4 (Calendar Q3) 2017
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The 20,000 Foot View: Apple continued its sales momentum this quarter with the launch of hardware products such as iPhone            and            Plus models in September. Both smartphones have incorporated new features, such as augmented reality (AR) technology and wireless charging, to meet the demands of its pre-existing consumer base as well as to attract new users. Apple has exceeded analyst expectations for its calendar            2017 earnings, with revenue reaching            billion in the quarter. This was above the Apple guideline forecast range of            billion stated in its            2017 calendar earnings release and Wall Street consensus. The growth has been driven by a new range of products, penetration into emerging markets and increased demand through paid subscriptions. 

Key Findings:  

  • Apple's revenue            to            billion in calendar            2017,                       billion in            2017, which represents                       quarter-on-quarter growth
  • Quarterly net            margins increased from            in calendar            to            in calendar            2017
  • Research and            (R&D) expenses increased from            billion            calendar            2017 to            billion in                       2017, representing a            quarter-on-quarter increase
  • Total unit            increased from            million in calendar            to            million in Apple calendar            which represents a            quarter-on-quarter increase
  • Apple's revenue            in China increased from            billion                       2017 to            billion in Apple                       2017.  

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Apple, iPhone            iPhone            iPad, iPhone X

*Note: The financial data is taken from Apple’s            earnings report, which is equivalent to calendar