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Watch parties Rebooting the watercooler moment

Report by Ben Woods
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20,000 foot view: Group watching television with family and friends is being consigned to a bygone era. Algorithms are forcing entertainment consumers into silos through an endless stream of personally recommended content and the fallout is a relentless battle for audience engagement across a myriad of devices. Subscription video on demand services (SVOD) are eating linear TV, while SVOD is under siege from social video – and after decades of ruling household entertainment, the smartphone is dethroning the TV set. As a result, watercooler moments that define cultures and drive discovery through word of mouth are losing their potency outside of news and sport. Watch parties could provide a rear-guard offensive.

Key insights

  • Linear television            become background viewing as nearly                       of smart- TV owners watch            while doing something else
  • SVOD consumption            a focused activity for smart-TV            with            concentrating on the task,            to            who say it is            in the background
  • However, SVOD            is splintered by devices and            demographics –            of            watched shows            movies on a smartphone during           
  • SVOD engagement            also pressured by entertainment multi-tasking;            while engaging in digital expanded                       hours to            hours per week                       2021 and            2022
  • Watch parties            fragmentation by targeting an engagement            spot. In                       of focused video            watched something they are a            of and            watched new content           
  • Watch parties            make video ad-friendly by using            data for better performance –            binge viewers paid attention to            that were relevant to them           
  • Watch parties            identify influencers to bolster engagement            targeting video and games crossovers –            horror fans played Call of Duty in           
  • Adoption of            party spending will accelerate by            high spenders on creator subscriptions,            which spent between            and            on            purchases during            2022

Companies and brands mentioned in this report:  Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Watch Party, Bridgerton,  Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Warzone , Channel            Crunchyroll, DAZN, Discord,  I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! , Instagram, ITV,  Love is Blind, Minecraft , Netflix, Premier League,  Squid Game , Teleparty,  The Great British Bake Of f, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, The Peripheral , Twitch, YouTube