Reports Video

User Generated Broadcast Live Streaming Video And The Mainstream Consumer

Report by Tim Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View

The early adopter buzz around the launches of the live video streaming apps Meerkat and Twitter-acquired Persicope have so far failed to translate into meaningful real world adoption. But these User Generated Broadcast (UGB) apps have undoubted potential. Currently, live streaming video has two core user groups: early technology adopters and gaming fans (the latter especially through sites such as Twitch). Facebook’s decision to incorporate live video streaming into its verified user app Facebook Mentions could be the impetus the technology needs to bring it to a wider audience. 

Key Findings

  • Currently the            video landscape is biased towards            optimized for recorded video
  • Social Network            is crucial to ensure audience            for user generated broadcasts
  • Pre-recorded online            audiences currently dwarf those of            stream video audiences
  • Niche content            as gaming is the most            form of user generated broadcasts
  • Video streaming            apps are still at the            level of engagement
  • Personality-led User            Content is the most popular            of YouTube video
  • Live video            are not scalable for mainstream            users
  • Multi-Channel Networks            be best placed to utilize            broadcast video because of their            to programme live stream schedules            multiple time zones across their            pools
  • Celebrity brand            is the most likely use            for the technology reaching the           

Companies mentioned in this report: Facebook, Gleam Futures, Meerkat, Periscope, Skype, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube