The Mobile Web The Lean Back Legacy

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The 20,000 Foot View
Mobile is changing the face of web browsing with a sizeable portion of monthly unique website visitors having already migrated to mobile. This divides between those who visit sites from mobile apps and those who choose a mobile web browser instead. User data around this migration reveals significant differences between the type of consumer engagement via a mobile web browser versus and app and desktop.
Key Findings
- Mobile browser is not simply a scaled version of overall web traffic both environments distinct and suitable different mobile strategies
- Out of mentioned, placed in both the Web top chart and the Browser top
- Mobile browsers themselves better to the nature Lean Back and Quick Reference
- Apps lend better to the nature of Forward and long-form consumption
- For Lean sites, it is easier to consumers from web to apps
- All top browser sites have a Lean or Quick Reference proposition as part of their core service.
- None of top free apps offer a Lean Back or Quick Reference of Buzzfeed’s monthly unique visitors come through a mobile browser
- Successful mobile do not have to be led
- Apple’s decision support ad blocking in browsers result in an app strategy rush as content owners seek take control of their own
Companies mentioned in this report: Amazon, AOL, Apple, Bing,, Buzzfeed, CNN, eBay, Facebook, Google, IMBD, LinkedIn, Pandora, Spotify, Twitter, Verizon, Wikipedia, Wordpress, YouTube