Reports Music

Streaming Services Market Shares 2.0

Report by Mark Mulligan
Cover image for Streaming Services Market Shares 2.0
Synopsis PDF Excel PowerPoint

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The 20,000 Foot View:  This report includes the key findings of MIDiA’s Global Music Subscriber Market Share Model in which we present the subscribers, revenues and market shares of streaming services in more than            different countries. This report contains charts and analysis for            countries including consumer survey data, while the complete excel model is posted alongside this report.

Key Findings

  • At the            of 2017 there were            million            subscribers, up from            million in            and            million in 2015
  • Spotify comfortably            its market leading position with            subscribers representing            of all global           
  • Apple is            second placed service globally with                       million 2017 subscribers representing a            share
  • Apple added            net new subscribers in 2017,            to            million for Spotify
  • Amazon added            subscribers across Prime Music and            Unlimited to reach a combined            of            million with a subscriber            share of           
  • The US                       of global subscription revenue and            subscribers 
  • Spotify was            leading US subscription service at            end of 2017 but its            market share was its fourth            with only Thailand, Taiwan and            lower
  • Apple Music            an average of            million subscribers            quarter in the US in            but            million on average in           
  • Spotify held                       subscriber market share in Germany                       million subscribers and            million in            revenue
  • Apple Music’s            UK subscriber market share of            subscribers) was up just one            on 2016 when it had            subscribers
  • Tencent Music            had            million subscribers in China            2017, up from            million in            and            million in 2015
  • Subscription services            India generated just            million in            revenues in 2017 with            million           
  • Japanese annual            ARPU in Japan was            compared                       for China
  • Spotify had            Brazilian subscribers in 2017 –            share – while Apple had            subscribers with a            market share

Companies and brands mentioned in this report:            Music, Amazon, Amazon Prime Music, Amazon Music Unlimited, Anghami, Apple, Apple Music, AWA, Baidu Music, Claro Musica, Deezer, d Hits, Eros Digital, Gaana, Google Play Music, Hungama, IFPI, Juke, Jio, KKBox, Kugou, Kuwo, Line Music, MelON, MTN Music, MediaMarktSaturn, Netease, Netease Cloud Music, Napster, Pandora, QQ Music, Quan Min K Ge, Reliance Communications, Spotify, Tencent, Tencent Music Entertainment, Tidal, Wynk, Xami