Reports Music

Music Market Country Profile: Mexico How Streaming Is Unlocking Latent Opportunity

Report by Leo Morel
Cover image for Music Market Country Profile: Mexico
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The 20,000 Foot View The Mexican music market is one with huge potential despite two consecutive years of recorded music revenue decline.  With a population of            million and growing internet and smartphone penetration, Mexico has the foundations for becoming a key digital music market.  Indeed, the Mexican Phonogram and Videogram Producers’ Association Amprofon reports on strong performances from music services in Mexico.  This, coupled with a            subscription revenue growth in 2014, points to a positive outlook for the Mexican digital market.

Key Findings

  • Mexican recorded            revenues fell by            in 2014            a total of            million            billion           
  • Streaming revenues            download income in Mexico in           
  • Most Mexican            subscribers are Digital Natives 
  •            Mexicans are online and            have smartphones, indicating significant potential for digital music services
  • Radio is            crucially important -            of Mexicans            to the radio
  • Physical formats            still matter with            of Mexican            buying CDs
  • But free            has already become pervasive, with            penetration at            and free audio            at           

Companies mentioned in this report:  Amprofon, YouTube, Spotify, Rdio, Deezer, Google Play, Xbox Music, Claro Musica, Guvera