Reports Music

Music Piracy in Brazil Assessing the Impact on Music Consumption

Mark Mulligan
Cover image for Music Piracy in Brazil
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The 20,000 Foot View

During the last decade Brazil underwent great economic advances, removing a considerable part of its population from poverty, placing them into the consumer market. Now, these Brazilian citizens aspire to smartphones and tablets in order to access digital content and services. However, many Brazilians, particularly younger ones, have grown accustomed to accessing music illegally, thus creating the key challenge of persuading them to switch to legitimate alternatives. Nonetheless the market opportunities that Brazil presents to the global music industry remain compelling.

Key Findings
               of            to            year olds believe music is worth paying for            music piracy slightly out performs mobile music piracy in Brazil, even among Digital Natives            to            year olds are both the most active file sharers and the most willing to pay for digital music
  • Poor internet            and low income levels are            factors behind Brazil’s elevated music            rates
  • File sharing            decreases with age, falling from            of            to            year olds to            quarter of over            however these            are still markedly above the            and UK
  • Willingness to            for music however rises among            over aged           

Companies mentioned in this report : Soundcloud, Spotify, YouTube, Apple