Reports Video

Metaverse Future scenarios for smart TVs

Report by Tim Mulligan
Cover image for Metaverse
Report Synopsis Presentation Spreadsheet

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20,000 foot view:  Metaverse smart TV opportunities are currently nascent as clarity about the overall growth of the metaverse concept is still emergent. From a smart TV OEM perspective, a focus on future-proofing features to accommodate the likely games and VR heavy functionality of early metaverse commercial scenarios will be key. The ability of Meta platforms to drive the social functionality of the future metaverse will determine its mainstream appeal over this decade.

Key insights:

  • Media fusion            remains low with only six            of consumers watching music events            a game, suggesting that distinct            vertical preferences remain strong
  • Merchandise sales            live streamed events is also            at four percent consumer penetration 
  • Younger demographics            higher rates of media fusion            merchandise sales with seven percent                       buying merchandise in virtual events
  • Virtual reality            headset use is just getting            with consumer penetration rates for            use at three percent
  • The degree            socialisation of the metaverse will            whether smart TVs will become            for entering the metaverse
  • Smart TVs            be built with VR functionality            standard to future-proof the product            cater for niche VR use            the event of the social            metaverse not taking off

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Epic Games, Facebook, Fortnite, Meta Platforms, Oculus Rift, Roblox, and Zoom