Reports Critical Developments

Four Marketing Principles for the Digital Economy 1.0

Report by Georgia Meyer
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The 20,000 Foot View: The ascent of the digital economy has resulted in a radical change of marketing principles, the consequences of which have not yet been sufficiently understood. This report outlines four marketing principles derived from the new rules shaping measurement, creativity, purchase behaviour and consumer agency in the digital economy. These four principles are a set of tools and concepts for driving effective ad campaigns that support the business of building sustainable brands in 2019 and beyond.

Four Marketing Principles:

  • Measurement –            new formula to gauge success:            measures that fail to give            attention to the relevance of            intended audience risk their own            MIDiA’s engagement score formula qualifies            potential, taking account of audience            and new digital contexts within            marketing messages are delivered.
  • Real-time purchase            a revised marketing funnel: Social            has inverted the traditional marketing            With one simple piece of            the entire marketing funnel, including            can be delivered. This revised            funnel illustrates the ways real-time            is revolutionising marketing strategy and           
  • Opt-in –            sought are better than ads            New marketing channels have opened            within the digital content ecosystem            channels that court consumer attention            than attempting to seize it,            traditional advertising does. These new            channels are changing the way            and consumers relate to each           
  • Purpose –            content and connected purpose: The            age of information has empowered            and changed their expectations of            the role of companies should            Social media is enabling constant            and content co-creation that is            the nature of advertising itself.

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Studios, Boiler Room, Casper, Instagram, Nike, Red Bull Music Academy, Starbucks, Whalar