Reports Video

The streaming retention revolution Content is king, distribution is queen, but retention is revolutionary

Report by Tim Mulligan
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20,000 foot view:  With video streaming transitioning into mainstream TV consumption, we have moved into the era of streaming TV. As a result, the early focus on gaining subscribers is making way for the rising challenge of retaining these newly acquired subscribers. Retention is the key metric of the emerging post-growth streaming, with the ratio of weekly active users (WAUs) who are daily active users (DAUs) becoming the key metric to measure streaming success, as streaming TV becomes a fully digitally- native experience. Content proliferation will need to make way for content curation as video becomes deeply entwined with the wider digital entertainment ecosystem.

Key insights

  • Video subscriptions                       2022 are now at            penetration            – higher than where pay-TV            were in            2018 (in English            markets)
  • However, subscription            rates have been around the            mark since the start of                       big bang moment of            2019           
  • Multiple video            increased year-on-year (YoY) by five            to            in            2022, suggesting that            will start to slow as            market starts to saturate
  • Video streaming            starting to lose direct engagement            viewers with both YoY and            time spent on streaming video                       and actual full attention down            percentage points to           
  • This means            streaming TV is increasingly becoming            of, rather than distinct from,            digital entertainment formats and behaviours           
  •            services now            to approach retention hooks from            digital first, rather than from a            TV, perspective
  • At its            the new retention era will            marked by pragmatism and conservative            taking in content investment and           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report : Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Audible, Disney, Disney+, Netflix, and Spotify