Reports Video

The Great Reaggregation Lockdown, Demand and Consolidation

Report by Tim Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View:             removed the constraints imposed by peak attention, leading to a surge in home-based entertainment consumption and streaming adoption. Fortuitous timing, enforced home working and the end of the commute, tied in with the need to entertain home-bound children, has greatly accelerated direct-to-consumer            adoption. Later adopters have now become familiar with streaming; the next step is to optimise the user experience for consumers exiting traditional pay-TV. The groundswell for this has just begun, and the new            players are well placed to enable this reaggregation process as they move beyond initial post-launch growth.

Key insights

  • Streaming video            are now mature, unlike the           
  • Netflix’s ability            maintain significant growth in 2020,            a            increase in subscribers            million),            testament to the increased and            demand for long-form video streaming           
  • Growing demand            also evident for multiple subscriptions,            increased from            penetration in            2018                       in            2020
  • The new            led by Disney and Apple            driving fragmentation
  • We are            entering phase three of the            reaggregation as the normalisation of            streaming drives a consumer need            reconsolidation
  • Older video            are acquiring streaming-centric behaviours at            fast-growing rate, with            year olds            making up            of all US            viewers
  • As streaming            matures, reaggregation needs to begin            earnest in order to avoid            churn from digital laggards as            move along the streaming adoption           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Comcast, Disney, Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix, Paramount, Paramount+, Peacock, Warner Bros., Warner Media