Reports Audio

Podcast videos Format blurring expands podcasts’ future

Annie Langston
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20,000 foot view:  Podcasts are breaking out of traditional audio and entering the video space, as nearly a quarter of consumers now watch podcast videos monthly. Visual elements for podcasts are becoming a crucial tool to reach new audiences and engage current listeners. Rather than isolating audiences on streaming platforms, podcast content is now accessible on a variety of platforms in a more mainstream medium, creating new avenues for the format to grow. 

Key insights 

  • As            of            watch podcast videos monthly, the            is close to breaking out            the niche
  • Audio consumers            already adopting the format, as            podcast WAUs            and audiobook WAUs            podcast videos monthly
  • Low podcast            are more likely to watch            videos monthly than high podcast            suggesting that the format may            more popular among casual audio           
  • Podcast video            are more attentive to audio            video advertisements than the average                       pay attention to audio ads                       to video ads 
  • Podcast video            top podcast genre is comedy,            by news, music, sports, and            crime
  • Podcast video            over-index for music behaviours, like            to full albums            suggesting an            for music-related video podcasts
  • Spotify            is            top podcast platform among podcast            viewers, although YouTube            follows close           
  • Podcast video            are active on social media:            YouTube WAUs,            Facebook WAUs,            Instagram            and            TikTok WAUs
  •            of podcast video viewers are Netflix WAUs, more than any other video streaming service, reflecting an opportunity for the streamer 

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Alex Cooper, Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Anchor, Apple, Apple Podcasts, Apple TV+, ByteDance, Disctopia, Emma Chamberlain, Futuro Studios, George Clarke, Google, Grace Keeling, Harry Styles, HBO Max, iHeart, Instagram, Jennifer Lopez, Joe Rogan, Max Balegde, Motion Agency, Netflix,, Spotify, TikTok, YouTube, Zane Lowe