Next Generation Apps The Rise Of Mobile Life Ecosystems

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20,000 Foot View: The world of mobile is undergoing a seismic shift. It used to be that the smartphone platform world was largely understood in terms of a couple of big operating systems (iOS and Android) and their respective app stores. But now a succession of apps have emerged as platforms that exist both within and across OS boundaries. Messaging apps, Facebook, eBay etc are all breaking down the barriers that existed between siloed app experiences in order to become de facto Operating Systems in their own right. Consumers are spending more of their digital-life time on mobile and each of these Mobile Life Ecosystems want as much of it as possible to go through them. The ongoing consolidation of mobile experiences will affect everything from infrastructure and development through distribution to content itself. Either prepare now or be left behind.
Key Findings
- Apps and infrastructure are transforming, enabling large companies to start creating platforms both operate within and straddle iOS and Android ecosystems of consumers are weekly users of Facebook Messenger, compared to of consumers who are iOS users, and who are Android usersÂ
- First came web, apps, social and messaging Now we are entering an of next generation apps paving way for Mobile Life Ecosystems
- The next apps revolution is happening on levels of the app economy infrastructure through distribution to content
- Apple and will increasingly integrate individual app into their base OS functionality, for utility apps
- This deeper of app functionality into core platforms will push many app from companies into suppliers
- Large technology such as Apple, Amazon and will emerge as winners in next gen app revolution
- Opportunity also for large single-purpose services (such music and video) to foster own self-contained mobile ecosystems
Companies mentioned in this report: Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Facebook, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Minecraft, Netflix, Skype, Snapchat, Spotify, Tencent, Uber, WhatsAppÂ