Reports Music

Latin America Streaming Music Market YouTube and Spotify Take Hold

Report by Leo Morel
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The 20,000 Foot View:  Latin America has fast become one of the most important streaming music markets due to accelerating consumer adoption, growing smartphone ownership, strong streaming service availability and fast-growing revenue across both free and paid. Brazil and Mexico, the leading regional markets, have the potential to become major music markets. Against this though, local economic factors, such as weak consumer spending power and fragile national economies, present significant challenges for the region.

Key Findings: 

               of Brazilians watch music videos on YouTube            of Mexicans buy CDs            of Brazilians use Spotify weekly and            use YouTube
  • Brazil has            active smartphones than it does           
  • YouTube is            leading player in the Latin            music streaming market
  •            of Mexican consumers listen to curated playlists
  • Between 2017            2018, Latin America registered a            of ad supported video users
  • Revenues from            subscriptions in Latin America increased                       between 2017 and 2018 to                       million

Companies and brands mentioned in this report:  Apple, Deezer, Google, iPhone, iTunes, Movistar, Spotify, TIM, Virgin Mobile, Vevo, Vivo, YouTube