Reports Critical Developments

Adblocker User Deep Dive High Value Users that Cannot Be Ignored

Report by Karol Severin
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20,000 Foot View: Adblocking is arguably the single biggest disruptive threat digital media businesses have faced. But it is the users of adblockers and their motivations rather than the technology itself that matter most. Adblocker users comprise a segment that advertisers are no longer reaching online and on mobile. While publishers have to figure out how to salvage the revenue loss, advertisers, brands and agencies have to find an alternative way of reaching ad-resistant users. Not least because many are actually highly valuable tech sophisticates.

Key Findings:

               of desktop adblocking users are male, while            of mobile adblocking users are male            of desktop adblocking users are            years old or more, while            of mobile adblocking users are            years old or more            of adblocking users are high music spenders            of adblocking users use a messaging app every month            of adblocking users download music or video through Peer-to-Peer networks            of adblocking users create playlists, compared to the consumer average of                       of desktop and            of mobile adblocking users download singles or albums, compared to the consumer average of                       of adblocking users pay for a video subscription

Companies Mentioned: Facebook, Netflix, Shazam, Snapchat, YouTube