Mobile Market Country Profile: Sweden Sophisticated Swedes Set The Pace

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Sweden embraced the smartphone revolution like few other markets. Heavy investments in mobile and internet infrastructure led to one of the highest app user penetration rates in the world. As its mature app market approaches saturation, increasing ARPU will become the core focal point of future growth strategy. Due to its maturity, app stakeholders around the world can use the case of the Swedish app market to help prepare for challenges that will emerge as their respective app markets approach maturity. Key Findings:
- Sweden is of the most mature mobile with smartphone penetrationÂ
- Total app will grow from million in to million in 2020
- App revenue of between 2014 and 2020 be one of the slower rates globally due to the mature state of the market
- Mobile app penetration is further illustrating late stages of the Swedish app
- Despite high user penetration only of Swedish users are app buyers, compared the global average of
- In 2014 average annual revenue per app was
- The age of mobile app buyers reflects sophistication of Swedish users – app buyers are aged and
- Average spend buyer will decrease between 2014 2020, but average revenue per user will increases
- Telco partnerships successful content providers will become as mobile data becomes an important revenue contributor
Companies mentioned in this report: TeliaSonera, Telenor, Skype, Spotify